Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day Five. Why I Write.

What a fantastic week I've had with Write Around Portland and the Ten Days of Writing series. Today was the Fifth workshop marking the halfway point. It was held at Po' Shines Cafe de la Soul over in Kenton. It took place during the dinner hour and perhaps that is why it was a smaller group of participants.

It has been my experience that when these workshops are smaller the pieces seem to be more honest and intimate. We also have more time for positive feedback and that's always encouraging.

Our first free-write had two prompts to use as starting points. They were "On my (10th,20th,50th, 100th) birthday...." or "I write to...." I chose the second option.

I write to inspire, empower and give hope.
I write to get all my abstract thoughts down on paper, making them more concrete and easier to manage.
I write because words are so powerful, they can heal and give perspective.
I write because it feels good, and initially, I can throw spelling and grammar to the wind.
I write to get people to hear what I have to say.
I write to show my dignity, strength, beauty and humor.
I write because I've been presented with an opportunity to make a difference in the world.
And lastly, I write because gradually, I become what I tell myself I am.


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